NLP Presuppositions – Part 2
Last week we covered off 5 of my favorite NLP Presuppositions. Since the 1970’s when Richard Bandler and John Grinder first introduced NLP to the world the NLP Presupposition’s have evolved and over time some have been added. Overall, their ultimate underlying meaning has however remained the same.
This week I want to introduce you to the next five. These concepts, if adopted as beliefs, can change the way you view and interact with the world around you.
Here goes….the next 5 Presuppositions….Enjoy.
1. The Meaning of the Communication is the Response You Get.
I love this one. Often when we communicate, we don’t get the reaction that we were hoping for. This Presupposition places the responsibility for that squarely back onto our shoulders. If you are not getting the response you wanted you need to look inward and see how you can change your communication.
2. People are Not their Behavior and their Positive Worth as a Human is kept Constant.
People’s behavior is not a reflection of who they are. We all do the best we can with the resources we have available at that point of time. A person is not defined by their behavior. One can never know what a person is going through or has gone through at a certain stage of their life. Behavior is an outward action that can be changed meaning that all people have the capacity to be behave more appropriately.
3. All behavior must be Viewed within the Context of which it Appears.
The easiest way to explain this one is with an example. Let’s imagine little Johnny smashes the neighbor’s window. Johnny is a bad boy, right? You would be right if he did it for fun. What if he smashed the window to allow the neighbor’s cat out because the house was on fire? Is Johnny still a bad boy? It’s the same behavior but the context has changed. The moral here is we should try to get all the facts before we judge.
4. Every Behavior, No Matter how Awful, Has a Positive Intention.
This one can be a bit difficult to get one’s head around. It is difficult to understand why some people do the atrocious things they do to others. The trick here is to take yourself and others out of the picture and understand what is in it for the person. How is their behavior benefiting them? To use another example: A thief who steals your handbag! Could it be possible that he / she is stealing because they desperately need money to feed their children? Although the behavior is wrong and its negative for you the intention is positive for the person doing the stealing. This is not to say that we should excuse wrongdoing or brush it aside. It only means we should try understanding why the person is doing what they do as maybe if we can help them change the situation, we can change the behavior. Remember presupposition number 2: People are not their behavior.
5. When you Take Charge of your Mind you take Responsibility for the Results you get out in the World.
Another one of my all-time favorites. If you can live in the present moment and be conscious of your thoughts, you can control them. By controlling your thoughts, you take control over your emotions and behavior. This ultimately leads to being in control of your end results.
These are not all of the presuppositions of NLP but are definitely some of the most important ones that can help us change our perspective of the world. Often understanding why someone is behaving in the manner they are or has the belief they have helps us to pause and listen. When we pause and listen we open ourselves up to new information that helps us grow. Ultimately when we are growing we are focused on the top of our needs ladder and that is where the real magic happens.
I hope you have found this article enlightening.
Until Next Time!
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“Because you believed I was capable of behaving decently, I did.” – Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym